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Personal Development Plan

By: Viviana Villarreal

Hey! As you may know (if you read my description in about us) I wasn’t always the girl I am today. Back then, I struggled a lot with myself and my life, but thankfully I got better and better each day. I became a much better version of myself and now I’m happy as ever.  When you become a ‘better’ person than you were before, your life and it’s circumstances improve. And that’s why I’m here, to know help other people who are in the same situation as I was a few year back. I admit, it wasn’t easy at first, but EVERYONE has the potential or ability to be better. Before I begin, let’s talk about the importance of personal development. Based on the article I read by Von Vergasst, personal development has very important benefits we need in life. For example: improving effectiveness on business, drives motivation and satisfaction, etc. But to achieve those things, you need to do some steps first. And I’m going to share them with you. First things first, when it comes to doing something, planning it is essential. The first step is writing down what you want. Do a plan for it, try to write down the results up in a diary. This one helped me a lot back then. Writing down what you want states your intentions and helps you clarify your thought process. But start now, do your plan today. Change takes time, so start now for more immediate results. And as Abraham Lincoln said, “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” Second thing is to make the plan have steps. For example, starting by being more healthy or being more open with people. Being more open to people is a very important thing. Based on the research by Ingrid Clayton, “being open can be a simple guide to emotional sobriety. It builds self-esteem and integrity, and is a necessary step in any change process.” Another tip (that may sound bad) but may help is learning from other people. You can learn from other people’s mistakes. Your own mistakes may be a tough lesson, so learn from the mistakes of others. Embracing change is also a very important thing that many people (including myself) doesn’t do or find difficult to accept. The world is changing all the time. Even if you do nothing, you will change either physically or mentally. There is no escape from this. People change, and that can be hurtful at first but you will realize that it all gets better. Personally, when I entered high school I was very scared and sad. It all was different, my friends, my classmates, i was with boys now. And to be honest, I didn’t like it. I felt very insecure to even talk in class and i just wanted my life like it was before. Before it changed. But I realized I couldn’t be like this, so I started to open myself more to the classroom and to make new friends. And it was such an amazing feeling to accept change. Change can be hard at times but it always brings something better. We need to learn to accept it and be better. And as Ingrid Clayton said in her research, “Willingness it’s also very important, it means that we might not know how to change, but we are willing to change. Sometimes we become willing out of desperation, other times out of courage or passion. No matter how we get there, willingness is the key to shifting out of old patterns and into unknown territory.” Your personal self development plan needs to include how you are going to change as a person and what action will you take. Only actions lead to results. I hope this article will help you.




Clayton, I. (n.d.). Being Open. Retrieved January 29, 2020, from


Verfasst, V. (2019, April 23). Personal Development Wiesbaden Mainz. Retrieved January 29, 2020, from

A path to your career!

Have you ever wondered if what you do is what you actually like? If you have, you’re not the only one. It’s normal for teenagers to question their identities and being confused about what they do. You might think that you found you passion in life, but later on discover that you were wrong. Your passion has a lot to do with your identity, however, if you don’t know who you are, you most likely don’t know what your passion is. collected some statistics in which

they show us that “37% of teenagers say that the way they view their identity now is not

necessarily how they will view themselves in the future. Most teens (63%), however, feel that their current identity as a teenager will follow them through life.” This means that what you think your passion is right know can change. If you are about to start your career and you don’t know what to go for follow this steps to help you!

The first thing I encourage you to do is find out what motivates you. Most people just wake up in the morning not knowing why do they want to wake up. Other people, just wake up because they need to go to work and they want to get paid. In other words, their motivation is the money. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American works 8.8 hours every day, if they work only because they want to get paid they are wasting a lot of hours unfulfilling their passion. According to an article called “The Reasons We Work” published in Farnam Street blog there are six reasons why we do anything. The first three are called indirect motivators:

Play: is when we do an activity just because we enjoy doing it. Like solving a crossword or drawing. “Curiosity and experimentation are the heart of play.”

Purpose: the purpose motivator occurs when you do something because you value the outcome of the activity (versus the activity itself). You may or may not enjoy the work you do, but you value its impact.

Potential: The potential motivator occurs when you do the work because it will eventually lead to something you believe is important, such as your personal goals.

While you are thinking about different career opportunities keep this 3 P’s in mind. Is it something I enjoy to do? Do this will have a positive impact? Will this lead me to my goal? If you use this 3 motivators I’m sure it will be easier to find out what career is the one for you.

Lastly, I recommend you to quit focusing on the whys. The Pastor Joel Osteen said: “Faith is all about trusting God, even when you don’t understand his plan.” I don’t claim to understand it all and knowing what I want to with my career, but I do know this: God is good. He has a great plan for your life, a destiny for you to fulfill. No matter how many disadvantages you are dealing with, if you are a motivated person nothing will keep you from becoming all that God created you to be. Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

In conclusion, this are the two things I recommend you to follow if you are struggling with your career choice. Keep the three P’s in mind and ask for Gods help!



Curtin, M. (2016, July 21). In an 8-Hour Day, the Average Worker Is Productive for This Many Hours. Retrieved from average-worker-is-productive-for-this-many-hours.html

The Reasons We Work. (2018, March 31). Retrieved from reasons-we-work/

Stage of Life - Changing the World, O. S. at a T. (n.d.). High School Main Page. Retrieved from


By: Mariana Guerra

Your Health Matters

By: Alana Huerta

Your health is really important, it influences in every perspective of your life, in how you behave, think and feel. It also helps on how you deal with stress, challenges in life and how you interact with people. Being mentally healthy it is being free from problems success as anxiety, depression and other psychological issues, so mental health means being free from toxic thoughts and having positive characteristics such as:

“A sense of content”

“A zest for living and the ability to laugh and have fun”

“The ability to deal with stress and bounce back from adversity”

“A sense of meaning and purpose, in both their activities and their relationships”

“The flexibility to learn new skills and adapt to change”

“A balance between work and play, rest and activity”

“The ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationship”

“Self-confidence and high self esteem”

All this research from the page of  Melinda Smith (2019) from  “Building Better Mental Health” . Of

Social media is many times considered bad for your mental health because it’s said that it lowers your self esteem. A study answering the question of “Can social media be good for you?” was made and it brought evidence in the social media use, of how much time it is normally being used and how are people  emotionally connected to the media. It came out having three outcomes, people who use it because of routine, meaning who use it to contact other people, answer posts that other people share, in the other hand some people who use it emotional connection to the media, for example; using the platforms on excessively to not miss out or feeling bad when not logged talking to friends has a bad outcome. 

This all means that as long as your using social media on  daily routine have more positive outcomes as being well, having positive mental health etc...  so as long as it’s not emotional use then, it is not a problem, but it can be beneficial. 

Did it surprise you this information?

Some of the popular platforms on the last years have been “Snapchat”, , “Twitter” “Instagram” “Facebook”, “YouTube”  etc... According to a research from “Peq Research Center” who say that 71% of teenagers use instagram, it’s one of the most common apps used now days as well as “YouTube” who 91% of teenagers use it!

Instagram allows people to upload pictures and stories and to other people can comment and like them. Your mental health changes depending on the sites you search the pictures you see. 

People gain disorders from social media something if not used properly. Use social media smart to have good health 



Research from:

Melinda Smith (2019) from  “Building Better Mental Health” . Of

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