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Viviana Villarreal

Hello! My name is Viviana Villarreal. I’m a 15 year old girl studying in Prepa Anahuac San Agustín in Monterrey México. I’m a very outgoing extrovert girl who loves to make new friends. I wasn’t always like this... I was a very shy girl.

I Had a few friends and I didn’t went out too much. That was until sixth grade, when I started to realize that I had so much potential. I started to open myself to people, showing my true self and a side nobody knew about me. I realized that life was too short and to be honest I wasn’t really enjoying it. I started making new friends, opening myself more and also trying things I was scared to try. I was feeling genuinely happy. Everyone was so nice to me and it was something amazing. This made a big positive impact in my life and who I am today. One of my favorite things to do is watch movies (especially horror ones) and hang out with my friends. I also enjoy listening to music a lot. When I put my headphones on and listen to music, I disconnect from the world and I’m in my own world, I love it. But anyways, I hope this blog helps you have a impact in your life and make you a better true version of yourself. Even if it’s a little change. Everything counts :)


Alana Huerta

Hey! My name is Alana Huerta, I’m 16 years old and I live in Monterrey, México. I am in high school 

studying in the “prepa Anahuac “ a religious school filled with many opportunities that have 

helped me become a better person through out time, it has helped me improve my knowledge and 

there are other extracurricular clases such as art and dance class, which are the ones I am in 

and enjoy doing.

 For some years i have been going to a place where catholic religion is practiced in fun ways 

that have helped me become a better person, where some older girls teached us what they 

knew and showed us about God’s love and much more, now after a few years I decided I wanted to 

do the same and show his love to other girls and help them through some years not 

only religiously but also with their personal development. With this blog, it can be easier to not 

only help some some girls out but to many who read it.


Mariana Guerra

Hi everyone! I’m Mariana Guerra. I’m 15 years old, I live in Monterrey, Mexico and I’m a student 

of Anahuac High School. 

Since I can remember, my parents have always motivated me to do what they loved to do when they were my age. An example could be play soccer. When I was little my dad always 

took me to the park to play soccer, I 

thought that was my passion. When I grew up I realized that I didn't liked it so much so I began to discover what I really loved to do, which was running. I also learned many things that helped 

me find my balance in life.

In social media I saw how influencers motivated us to doing the things we like and discovering 

new abilities that we have. That’s why I left my comfort zone and changed my way of living. I 

love to read, travel, exercise and draw on my free time. I also improved my relationship with 

God throughout this years and that has helped me in many ways. This are just ways that i use 

to express myself and how I try to discover new things in life.

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